Desert Rose Acupuncture is a Proud Ally of our LGBTQ+ Community
Schedule a few minutes to discuss how Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can support your health and wellness. Consults can be done in person or over the phone.
At your first appointment we will discuss your medical history, wellness goals, and reason for visiting, followed by a treatment. This initial appointment is about 90 minutes long.
Normal acupuncture visits typically take 45-60 minutes. We will review your progress followed by a treatment. This appointment may also include Cupping, GuaSha or BodyWork if appropriate.
Moving or Stationary
Bodywork may include TuiNa, Shiatsu, Acupressure or GuaSha
Bodywork may include TueNa, Shiatsu, Acupressure or GuaSha
60 minutes of Bodywork followed by an Acupuncture Treatment. 90-120 minutes
During this consultation we will discuss ways in which facial acupuncture can benefit you. We will also discuss your medical history and a brief constitutional assessment will be done. 30-45 minutes
This appointment includes Facial and Body acupuncture. 60-90 min
Cupping and GuaSha on the Face. Acupuncture is not performed during this appointment. 30-45 min